Q: Why do I have to see the doctor to get a repeat script?
A: Your doctor will want to check that the script is still correct
for you. They may ask you to get your bloods done, check your blood pressure, weight, any other medications and ask about changes in your health since your last appointment.
Q: What does HQ stand for?
A: The HQ in our name stands for High Quality. We pride ourselves on meaningfully engaging with our patients, our community and each other as we deliver High Quality health care that helps people live their best quality of life.
Q: Why do I have to see a doctor to get a referral?
A: Your Doctor will need to check with you that your circumstances have not changed. They may check your weight and blood pressure, ask you to get bloods done and will work with you to ensure that you get the best care.
Q: Why have I received a text from Medical HQ?
A: In our quest for sustainability and high quality we are moving away from paper based communication. We partner with HotDocs to send a text to your mobile to remind you of your appointments, of your upcoming care plans or recalls and at times to share health information and alerts with you.
Q: Why should I let you know if I cannot attend an appointment?
A: We understand that there are times when you cannot make your appointment. If we do not know, your doctor will hold that time to see or speak to you. If you tell us that you can’t come, another patient can be booked to see the doctor. The more notice you give us, the more likely it is that we will be able to re-book your appointment to a time that suits and allow someone else to book in.
Q: Why have you charged me full fee when I did not attend my appointment?
A: If you give us less than 24 hours notice that you cannot attend an appointment we may not be able to book someone else into that appointment. We do our best to always book someone with the doctor, and if we have booked someone in, you should not be charged.
Q: Why do I have to pay to see the doctor?
A: Government rebates (Medicare payments) were frozen and have not kept up with inflation over the last 15 years. This is not the case for operating costs, which have risen in line with inflation. Our private billing model means that you are able to receive your Medicare payment as well as a gap payment, ensuring we can continue to support the doctors to provide you with quality health care.