Using the latest health testing technology our experienced Drs and Nurses will guide you through a comprehensive range of tests, highlighting health issues that could cause issues in the future.

You will leave with a complete 360 degree insight into your health.

Basic Package

  • Pre-appointment questionnaire
  • Blood tests: iron, liver, cholesterol, kidney, full blood count, inflammatory markers, thyroid check, diabetes screen
  • Urine testing
  • Vision testing
  • Blood pressure
  • Weight/height and BMI
  • Mental health assessment
  • Top to toe medical examination
  • Take home results folder and a review with the doctor + advice

Comprehensive Package

  • Pre-appointment questionnaire
  • Blood tests: iron, liver, cholesterol kidney, vit D, full blood count, inflammatory markers, thyroid check, diabetes screen + on demand extras
  • Urine testing
  • Vision testing
  • Audiometry
  • Spirometry lung function test
  • Blood pressure with ECG
  • Weight/height and BMI
  • Mental health and cognitive assessment
  • Top to toe medical examination
  • Take home result and a review with the doctor + advice
Click here to view our Health Prevention Screening Flyer